Ian Kimber's Web Pages
This picture was taken for my bus pass and new photocard driving license in February 2009

My original site picture a less forbidding picture December 2020
Everything in here is always under construction, you're welcome to come in and look but mind the holes!
Old CV This is just my old CV when I was working first at EMI CRL and later as a science and technology consultant
SC1 Who am I This is a very brief autobiographical note that is updated from time to time
Wave Ski surfing About my favourite sport a few years ago and leads to The British Wave Ski Association's home pages.
a1surf.com This is A surfing gateway website that I was involved with featured my Woolacombe Beach Wave camera and used to post wave forecasts for the British Isles there under the pseudonym of "Soul Surfer". The camera image link http://www.a1surf.com/woolacombe/surf-report.aspx Sorry the camera is no longer active it failed and I have not replaced it yet.
Naked Scientists Website I used to regularly contribute to and answer questions on science in the naked Scientists forum under the pseudonym of "soul surfer" This forum is accessed through this page.
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