

This version was saved 6 years, 7 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Ian Kimber
on July 12, 2018 at 6:26:53 am


This is the front page of Ian Kimber's personal Workspace


Return to my personal webpage  iankimber.org 


It is essentially an extension to my personal website but it is also linked strongly to the Virtual U3A Workspace.  This is a members only website but you can find out about the vU3A by going to vu3a.org .  This is a social and educational website based on giving a U3A like experience  in writing on line.  visit  u3a.org.uk for more information about the U3A or University of the Third age.  This is one of the fastest growing social organisations in the UK


Everyone has open reading access to these pages and you are very welcome to send me  comments via the contact page on my website.  If I think that they are important I will copy and paste the comments and my replies here.   I will usually reply to them reasonably quickly.


You can contact me by email   ianksoulsurfer@gmail.com  but please put my workspace name in the heading or I may reject it as spam.


The following links lead you to  the various sections of this site  you can also make use of the Navigator, side bar and activity links to fully explore this site.


About Me

CV and personal information 


The latest description of my scientific thought processes 


                     A suggestion that could create a "complete theory of everything"


Earlier work


Rethinking our route to a theory of everything

This is the main core of my current thinking that looks at the limits of physics and cosmology.  A well observed and commented on fact is that the physical laws in our universe appear to be very carefully balanced to allow the complexity (including life) that has developed in it.


The general current approach to looking at this problem is that we live in a universe that is extremely improbable if we assume that, at the origin of universes (however that happens) the physical laws are "randomly" adjusted.  


The generally accepted idea is that there must be a very large number of substantially isolated universes or "Multiverse" in  "the bulk"  The sum total of everything that exists whether we can detect it or not.  


If however the physical laws in our universe "evolved" in such a way as to favour complexity, this may not be the case.  


This concept is taken from the possibility of evolutionary drivers that occurred during the "Big Bang".  Right through to in an idea that may well be provable as true or false that universes actually seed new universes during their lives thus allowing a true "survival of the fittest"  i.e. the longest lived with most progeny, approach to a complete cosmology and theory of everything.


Evolutionary Philosophy

This takes you to the page that is linked from my normal web address

Some ideas that I am trying to develop  and discuss and relates the ideas above back down to a human scale via our familiar darwinian evolution through to human interactions and the internet.


Modern Faith Thinking

This page puts a link into the religious  or "Insiders" side of the "evolutionary philosophy" bridge.



VU3A Stuff

Pages developed for the Vitrual University of the Third Age  I hope to eventually develop an open access image of useful material that I have created in this closed website


Creative Writing 

This is mostly stuff that I have written as part of the amateur writers group of the Tiverton U3A


Mid Devon Indoor Bowls Club

This is an experimental website for the bowls club that I am a member of it is rather out of date and has ben superseded by



You cannot comment on these pages unless you already have a PB works workspace so you can comment on my Glob

 my blog   http://iankimber.blogspot.com/    this is an open area where I respond to other peoples comments


vU3A members can return to http://vu3a.pbwiki.com/ian-kimber's-web-pages on the vU3A site via this link.



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