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*The Proposal

Page history last edited by Ian Kimber 8 months, 4 weeks ago




The Proposal


A Proposal for a serious study into a compatible extension  

to our current Big Bang Cosmology

by linking the singularity of the Big Bang

with the singularity of a Stellar mass Kerr black hole.



A theoretical  study should be made into the processes going on during the collapse of a Stellar mass Kerr black hole inside its event horizon.  

The reason for this is that it has the potential to provide thinking that will help provide insight into our current Quantum (including string and gravitational) theories as well as cosmology. 


1 Introduction


Our current growing point researches into Big Bang cosmology, String and Brane theories, and Quantum Gravitational theories are all reaching fundamental limits caused by our limited observational window and experimental energy levels. Totally theoretical mathematical approaches are also limited by the fact that, without some sort of physical boundary conditions, mathematics will give a vast range of potential solutions to this problem with no clear route to identifying which is the best one to fit to our universe or suggest achievable ways in which the concepts may be tested.  


In many ways it is amazing that we have come as far as we have, given these limitations.  What is needed is a testable and plausible physical hypothesis that could break this log jam and potentially give us a route to a "Complete theory of Everything".  That is, a theory that not only provides the physical laws and that apply in our universe but shows how they were themselves originated and work together to explain all the characteristics of "our universe".  I say "our universe" rather than "the universe" because it is well accepted the there are probably a multitude of universes all isolated from each other in the total Cosmos even though we will never be able to interact with them. 


What I wish to propose is that we should give serious consideration to a simple extension of our current Big Bang cosmology by studying in detail an unobservable, but theoretically accessible, process that is occurring in our universe, that is the collapse of a stellar mass black hole towards its Kerr "singularity" when the neutron star that was formed immediately after the supernova is overloaded above its Oppenheimer-Volotov-Tolman mass limit.  It is accepted that this study will eventually reach the limits of of our ability to test the physics but will I believe provide powerful guidelines as to how the theoreticians may progress further.


It is generally accepted that all black holes will eventually be of the Kerr type and contain some angular momentum.  Roy Kerr himself broke the first barrier to the concept of studying he internal workings of black holes mathematically during the collapse process by creating this analysis.


It is  also unquestionably true that the (unobservable) gravitational energy release inside the first event horizon and photon sphere during this gravitational collapse towards the limit of a theoretical ring singularity inside the second event horizon can release enough gravitational energy to create a new Big Bang universe that could be similar in many respects to our own. In particular This is because it has been "seeded" by some of the properties of our universe.


The rest of this paper gives a basic analysis of this approach which is fully compatible with our current knowledge of the universe but at the same time could solve a great many problems and arbitrary inclusions that occur in the existing models.  These are listed below:-


  1. The concept can provide a simple fully physical explanation of quantum mechanical entanglement in the form of multidimensional cycles of Time in collapsed dimensions of "proper time" (QV).
  2. The concept gives strong guidance as to the types of string theory and quantum gravity that will apply to our family of universes in the total multiverse.
  3. The concept also explains the matter antimatter problem in baryogenisis by suggesting a mechanism for separating matter and antimatter via gravitomagnetic deflection.
  4. The overall gravitational potential structure of the collapsed and newly expanding  antimatter universe matches the "Mexican Hat" shape and complex component requirements for The Higgs field.
  5. Finally the two stage release of gravitational energy with an initial inverse square law followed by an inverse linear process matches an initially exponential inflation field and the later stages a linear and long term expansion process.


I strongly feel that even if these ideas have flaws at any point they will introduce some new approaches to a fully multidisciplinary cosmological theory.  I say this because what is being proposed is not just a single idea but a whole rearrangement of well accepted ideas plus one or two special and potentially provable additional concepts.  These concepts do require a considerable amount of thought to appreciate fully but they are simple enough to be explained mostly in words.


The first and most important requirement is to change one’s point of view from being an external observer of what is going on (this is clearly impossible) to being an “observing” subatomic particle taking part in the process moving in its “proper time” geodesic and interacting quantum mechanically.


The Mathematics is mostly a matter of looking at how the classical equations behave with respect to each other A common approach in this area of study.  It also points out that in many cases the reversal of the arbitrary sign conventions in equations is perfectly reasonable.  That is that space is positive and time negative in the equations but there is no reason why we should not consider space to be negative and time positive.   The definition of matter and antimatter could also be reversed because of the symmetry.   Please also bear in mind the reciprocal nature of the uncertainty principle for example as location or time becomes confined momentum or energy becomes less confined and vice-versa


This work is supported by several critical papers that have been published by experts over the last 30 years and also some which go back to the origins of Quantum theory.  The Dirac equation for the electron had negative energy solutions which predicted the existence of antimatter and a fully occupied sea of antimatter particles in the universe.  Antimatter particles in the form of positrons were detected shortly after this.    


These concepts also make some potentially provable predictions and fits well with the current Big Bang cosmology.


2 Important References


Unusually as these references are so important to what I am about to say I am quoting them briefly up front and explaining how they fit into the complex thought process to allow others to check them before plunging into the main description.


"Could The Universe Be Inside A Black Hole?" PBS Space Time You tube presentation. 



This is an excellent review of the possibility. It examines the history of the concept and shows that the concept of the black hole universe goes back quite a long way and comes to the conclusion that it it could be possible and has not been prove false.


I see two factors in the presentation that are not worked out.


Firstly the fact that the particles will be interacting with each other violently during the collapse.


Secondly that the black hole will be a rotating Kerr black hole eventually.



"The Life Of The Cosmos"     Lee Smolin

     This is he origin of the suggestion that our physical laws are finely balanced to maximise the number of stellar mass black holes.  This is a strong hint that an evolutionary process may be involved


On the dimensionality of space-time   Max Tegmark. 


On the dimensionality of space-time     Shows that the only stable long lived universes can have either

     1 Three dimensions of space and one of time     

     2  Three dimensions of time and one of space (containing taychons)

Why not have both and equate tachyons to antimatter?



A Quantum Beginning for a Two-Sided Universe with Dr. Neil Turok  Jul 2020

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyJzH6LY8bM    1h 06m       interview by John Micheal Godier  event Horizon    patreon

Neil Turock suggests that there may be a new solution to the "antimatter problem" in the Big Bang cosmology.  This problem is that  when matter is created from energy it always involves generating equal quantities of matter and antimatter by pair production.  This problem could be solved by having a two part universe with one part collapsing and the other expanding.


A new and very significant book has been written and published

in 1922 by Laura Mersini-Houghton. this is “Before The Big Bang”.


In this book she presents her work over many years looking into the quantum mechanics of Big Bang cosmology and produces a very convincing case for a quantum based multiple universe cosmos or a multiverse in which a high energy quantum process originates the Big Bang.


What is more the shows several significant actual observations including two critical features in the Cosmic Microwave background that support the concept.


The proposals that I am making for a study into the potential for the episodic cyclic cosmology via a Kerr black hole driven big bang is just the concept to fit with this and could well complete our understanding of the origin of our universe as an evolved structure from the quantum gravitational theory.


Further references are in the main reference area at the end of this proposal.


revised to here 


4 A simple bullet point exposition of the entire concept


This is not how the concept started, but is a simple and clear description of the whole cosmology.  


Some of this may be difficult to assimilate at a first reading but please bear with it once you understand how all the pieces fit together it will seem perfectly natural


The following sections deal with the process in much more detail; 


4.1 The Evolutionary and Episodic Cyclic Big Bang Cosmology


We all know we live in a three dimensional universe but simple cartesian co-ordinates only describe a static universe which is very clearly not the sort of universe that we have.  Things are also moving at various velocities and that requires three further dimensions to describe this.  This makes the three normal dimensions complex and or vectors which both require pairs of numbers to describe them.


Note by "complex"  dimensions  I mean dimensions where actions that are best described using complex numbers because they involve cyclic activities like waves and orbits  This turns in effect one dimension into two dimensions real and imaginary or more probably magnitude and phase.  There may potentially be more if hypercomplex cases apply, but I think that these may only be effective briefly during critical parts of the transition (Big Bang) phases.


We live in a two part universe. (ref Neil Turock 2020)

  • Our matter dominated universe has, in effect, two equal (mass/energy) parts, one is the observed and familiar expanding Big Bang universe with three complex dimensions of "space-time" and one of "real" time.  Real time is time flow as defined by thermodynamics and is not reversible.   This is balanced by a collapsing universe with three complex dimensions of "time-space" and one of space.   These are hidden inside an event horizon in "proper time" that is time defined by the geodesics of the particles synchronised by the instant of the Big Bang.  
  • "Proper time" is the time held in common with all the particles in both of the parts and is referenced to the instant of the Big Bang this is quantum mechanical event time and is reversible.  This hidden half of the universe is observed in our universe as dark energy and makes up 50% of the total "Mass-Energy" of the universe.  Proper time is reversible because individual quantum "events" Do not involve time and it is accepted and can be shown that the actions at single events can be reversed.


 Our Big Bang universe originated in the collapse inside a black hole

  • Our universe originated in the gravitational energy released during the collapse of a stellar mass black hole towards its Kerr ring singularity. The significant difference is that it was an antimatter dominated universe but also very similar to ours  It is probably still linked to it via its umbilical "wormhole".  That is unless the parent black hole has "evaporated".   That is unlikely because stellar mass black holes have lives vastly longer than the active star forming lives of universes.


  • This happened during the formation of a black hole by the mass fallback onto the neutron star originally formed during a supernova explosion. This causes the neutron star to exceed its Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff mass limit.  The initial event horizon forms at the point of lowest gravitational potential hidden at the centre of the star and rapidly progresses outwards as the collapse continues to form the photon sphere that defines the Black Hole proper. It is accepted that inside the event horizon space becomes "time like" with all paths eventually leading towards the "singularity",  while time becomes "space like"  and expands and multidimensional. The big innovation is that at this point is that the complex dimensions of space and time actually interchange and proper time reverses.  The way the maths behaves across the event horizon suggests this, but no one seems to have followed it up.  Real (thermodynamic) time of course continues to progress normally.


There is a converse process 

  • There is also a converse process.  When a stellar mass black hole forms in our universe its collapse will create an antimatter big bang universe similar to our own.  There may be slight variations in the physical laws between generations but they will vary around a mean assuming that this particular evolutionary cosmology has gone through enough generations to stabilise close to its optimum point.


4.2 Big Bang Cosmology and Quantum Problems solved 


Looking at the proposed cyclic big bang universe we find that it has some properties that explain a lot of the peculiarities of quantum mechanics and points to a route to the complete theory of everything described in the introduction.


The dimensionality problem solved 

  • This means that our universe has six simple dimensions (three of space-time and three of what I call time-space which are in effect twelve complex dimensions. one of which is what I have called the episodic dimension of time with "episodic" reversals of proper time within the conventional real thermodynamic time progression. 


String theory's compactified dimensions explained 

  • It provides the required number of "compactified" dimensions for the most favoured string theory formulations which is eleven dimensions in all the 3 complex pairs of dimensions of normal space time plus two further complex pairs of time space collapsed in the proper time dimension 


Entanglement Explained

  • The common property of proper time synchronised to the Big Bang and collapsed inside the multidimensional aspects of time explains the problem of entanglement in quantum mechanics in a simple and understandable way.  
  • it also allows information to flow between nearby particles to explain superposition and things like the two slit interference experiments
  • It also gives a clearer explanation of the negative energy aspects of the Dirac equation for the electron which goes back to the 1920s by providing the sea of antimatter that allows the universe to exist oscillating between positive and negative energy.


A solution that gives a truly causal and thermodynamic origin for our universe 

  • It gives a clear reason for the origin of our big bang universe in an understandable and energy conserving process.
  • Looking at it in a different way it is a punctuated, continuous inflation process based on the energy released during gravitational collapse.


There is a very good fit with the details of the loking backwards Big Bang 

  • As will be described later in this paper it provides the required exponential and linear processes that are required for initial inflation followed by linear expansion.  this comes from the initial rapid inverse square law collapse that is followed by the slower inverse law energy release around the reduced dimensions of the Kerr ring singularity


The Higgs field is explained

  • It explains the origin of the Higgs field as the gravitational potential around the ring singularity of a Kerr Black hole.  This has the required "Mexican hat" shaped potential with a ring minimum at the ring singularity surface.


Finally it offers a route to a truly evolutionary Cosmology

  • The concept of a relatively small black hole creating a large universe offers possibility that this process may have developed from the quantum mechanical vacuum in a more natural way by a process of gradual evolution from the primordial tiny black holes originating in the quantum mechanical vacuum as a natural process. 


4.3 Handling conceptual barriers


Most of the concepts in this proposed  extension to our current big bang cosmology taken individually are accepted and recognised properties of our universe. However there are a few that need additional explanation and have been found to create a barrier to the creative thinking needed to establish the model.


Modelling the further collapse of a black hole inside its event horizon IS a valid concept

  • The first and biggest barrier is that it is even legitimate to consider and model what is going on inside a black hole during its collapse towards its "singularity".  This is because what is going on is usually described in terms of an outside observer rather than that of the particles taking part in the collapse process.  
  • It is essential to change one's point of view and imagine travelling with the particles at the atomic scale and not the human scale as the collapse takes place.  
  • In fact apart from the particle's point of view, nothing much is happening at the start of the collapse other than general heating up due to the release of gravitational energy. this is because the space curvature and frame dragging on the scale of particle interactions is negligible even though the collision velocities are relativistic 
  • This concept has been used before when Roy Kerr and others explored inside the event horizon to deal with rotating and charged black holes


Our current knowledge of the laws of physics can take us much further than this 

  • The next barrier that needs to be overcome is that although the conditions at the centre of a neutron star are extreme, the pressure and temperature the situation is not extreme enough to cause a significant amount of particle pair production, if it was, The result would be a different sort of supernova which totally disrupts the star.  see rererences on "particle pair production" supernovas.  
  • The conditions to which we have tested the laws of physics go much more extreme than this. In high energy particle colliders like the LHC. High energy physicists claim they have tested the physical laws right back to the first picoseconds of the Big Bang. So, at least initially, no new physics is required.
  • The collapse starts at the centre of the star and initially contains very little angular momentum and therefore is very close to a Schwarzschild metric.  
  • As the collapse progresses outwards at the speed of sound in the neutron star the angular momentum will build up to approach the Kerr ring singularity inside the now collapsed Photon sphere of the Schwarzschild metric.  This photon sphere forms the second event horizon of the Kerr metric
  • The photon sphere is the farthest distance outside the collapsing mass that photons may reach.  In the final stages has a critical job to do because it is here that there is the point where the individual particles are affected by the curvature off space and the extreme frame dragging it is also generally considered to be the point where the reversal od space time is restored.



4.4 Two Critical extensions to current thinking 


One of the amazing things about these ideas is that they mostly fit within the remits of the current understanding of the subjects to which they refer.  

There are two important aspects that do deviate from that might be considered to be well established facts.  

The first is just a logical extension of an accepted idea to include all aspects of angular momentum.  

The second looks at the properties of the inner event horizon of a Kerr black hole in more detail to include the potential effects of extreme frame dragging that will be present under these conditions


Extending the Kerr black hole concept

  • The Kerr black hole only considers the residual angular momentum in one dimension. There will be some residual angular momentum in the other two dimensions around the ring singularity.  This will probably be very small but it could represent a significant effect as the collapse continues. 
  • The effect would be to create rotation around the line of the ring singularity and result in the final state of the singularity to be a toroidal surface not the theoretical line.  
  • During the collapse process rotation about the toroidal surface will be created in both directions one dimension is matter and the other antimatter 
  • This toroidal surface could be considered as the "brane" a described in some brane theories.
  • I have not found any consideration of this possibility in the literature but see no reason why it should not be perfectly reasonable.
  • This aspect is critical because it defines a situation when the energy release may be limited and the process stabilised. this will be more fully explained in the section on "the effects of dimensional reduction". 


The inner event horizon 

This as described by Bob Kerr himself as the farthest distance from the collapsing mass that light may reach.

Gravitational red shift is such that if depends in the difference in gravitational potential between two points. this is how the first event horizon is described it is the distance inside the photon sphere that prevents any energy reaching outside the photon sphere.  The photons are in effect internally reflected and the energy returns back onto the collapsing mass.  The only leakage is in effect the Hawking radiation.


As the mass continues to collapse this two part horizon continue to collapse with it and if the black hole is quiet the only radiation will be the Hawking radiation due to the curvature of the gravity at that point.

As this collapse occurs the equations tell us that the energy flow out due to the local Hawking radiation will grow faster than the energy release during the collapse it will eventually exeed the new energy released.  it is true that this energy will flow back in but only after a time delay and eventually a stable point will be release.  I tend to think of this as the white hole inside a black hole.

This provides a simple model for the interior of a black hole as a matter-antimatter plasma radiating energy out into its local photon sphere at a rate defined by the hawking radiation caused by the local space curvature.  This is in effect the quantum firewall that quantum teorists expevct to finf in a black hole


However there may be other things that may happen and these will now be discussed. in the context of a Kerr black hole


An important potential property of the inner event horizon

  • This property is that it acts as a filter to separate matter and antimatter
  • Whatever its structure, the ring singularity is a region of extreme frame dragging and gravitational shear this acts as the gravitational equivalent of the Stern Gerlach experiment to show quantised spin in neutral atoms.
  • The Stern Gerlach experiment was used to reveal the spin states of neutral atoms by sending them through a an extreme electromagnetic field gradient caused by a pair of shaped electromagnetic poles.
  • It is stated that the inner event horizon of the Kerr black hole causes a second transfer between space dimensions and time dimensions where the space dimensions return to "normality" and the time dimensions again collapse
  • The "time reversal" property between matter and antimatter will cause matter and antimatter to be deflected in different ways under these conditions.  My hypothesis is that in a collapsing matter black hole the matter will be deflected towards the inside of the surface singularity while the antimatter will be deflected away from the singularity creating a new Big Bang expansion in the expanded time dimensions.
  • There is little doubt that matter and antimatter are both gravitationally attractive the reason for this is that under conventional conditional gravitation is an inverse square law which is not sign sensitive.  Attempts are being made to prove this in the antimatter factory in CERN.   However the gravitomagnetic interaction is sign sensitive and will in the case of the ring singularity cause the two types of matter to be deflected differently.
  • Unfortunately I can see no way in which this process may be tested except possibly in the behaviour of a particle pair production supernova which does not stabilise as a gravitationally bound mass of matter and antimatter but completely disrupts itself.
  • This could be an argument against my personal approach to the proposal because it would be easy to say that all that happens is that the second event horizon retains the disruptive process. inside itself. 


5. It all comes from gravity

How all the forces fields and particles could originate from

simple 3 dimensional space-time gravity



The episodic cyclic cosmology concept, in which have a two part universe containing a collapsed time-space universe containing two hidden complex dimensions of cyclic time is described elsewhere in my work This note is to describe how this concept can result in the origination of all the fields and forces we are aware of in our universe.

How the concepts fit our known forces interactions and theories

The essential background is our universe formed from the collapse of a rotating (Kerr) stellar mass black hole towards the Planck dimensions inside an antimatter universe with similar physical laws to our universe. The collapse initiates at the very centre of the core of the star and will propagate outwards at the speed of sound (around 1/3 the speed of light I spotted in a reference some time ago) in the neutron medium where the particles are travelling approaching the speed of light with initial energies just below the pair production level and a mean free time between collisions around 10E-25 seconds. This has resulted in the development of a matter-antimatter plasma by pair production from the energy released by the collapse towards a toroidal ring singularity containing the collapsing antimatter while the matter stays outside the surface of the ring singularity because of the different interactions between matter and antimatter to the gravitational gradient and shear around the singularity this is because matter is essentially "right handed" and antimatter "left handed" in terms of its spin.


The initial inflation phase


The initial collapse will release energy at an exponentially increasing rate matching the requirement for an inflation field but as more matter enters the collapse the angular momentum will build and the collapse will become linear as the geometry turns from three dimensional inverse square law to toroidal surface gravity that follows a simple inverse law for a thin string with cylindrical symmetry


The Higgs process


The first thing Ito note is that the presence of a small amount of angular momentum means that the gravitational potential around the ring singularity is precisely what is required to constitute the "Mexican hat" shaped Higgs field and the shearing toroidal nature of the singularity possesses the required bulk wave properties.


Standard Electromagnetic interactions


Electrons and positrons have opposite windings in the form of surface waves to give the required charge and spin properties and the extreme proximity of the charges in effect cancels them out so electric charge only appears as matter particles expand into the newly created space.


Strong and Weak interactions.

and the origin of the string in string and brane theory


The strong and weak interactions involve "dragging" particle/waves out of the ring singularity. It is important to remember that there is a special case of three self gravitating elements in an equilateral triangle as a stable gravitational structure so nucleons consist of particles with more than the single twist around the toroid. This is in line with string theory approves to the solution of this problem and anchors them to the closed time cycles of time in the string preventing the quarks from being detected individually. but only as neutrally structured groups. These are different "colour charges" are the interactions between the three elements in the nucleon structure. This is because although there are only two types of quark the particle have actions are different in all three cases because the connections between the down quark and the two up quarks have the property of handedness.

in the same way that electron orbitals are defined btw her emission and reabsorption of photons the gluons are gravitational wave quanta that define the behaviour of the quarks in their gravitational orbits.


Dark matter


There is one final concept that may complete the image. All the neutrino interactions in effect involve antineutrinos and ordinary neutrinos will be like electrons free and subject only to the force of gravitation but will have the property of right handed spin and therefore have the property of fermonic statistics this will cause them to repel each other if they are too close together and in effect create the initial exponential inflation forces and form the constituents of dark matter.


Fitting in the existing bit of the two part universe into the original collapse


One thing that I have not built into this concept yet because I have only included the view from the collapse. However if this concept is true, there is also the effect of the small piece of the original two part universe that will be carried into the black hole with the neutrons which I assume will expand from probably vastly sub Planck dimensions to meet the collapse in the region of the Planck dimensions as the scale and energy increases during the tiny period of time over which this all takes place.


I can see no reason to dismiss these concepts out of hand and I am desperately looking for help fro others younger and more experienced in the maths than me to check out this remarkable fit to our universe. I am sure a considerable amount of adjustment will be needed but this is probably the only remaining truly physical approach to this cosmological problem.


6 Other useful References




"The road to reality"  Roger Penrose

     The basic mathematics of physics.   An essential read

Also some aspects of "Cycles of Time"  This concept is in some ways an extension of the ideas presented


"The Goldilocks Enigma"  By Paul Davies

     One of the best explanations of how critically balanced our physical laws are


"Superstrings and the search for the theory of everything"   F. David Peat

     A good description of the origins and development of string theory


Gravity from the ground up  Bernard Schutz

    A very good insight insight into gravity and general relativity including gravitational red shift and gravitomagnetism (frame dragging)


Gravity's Fatal Attraction   by Mitchel Begelman and Martin Rees

     "Black Holes in the Universe"  A very up to date (3rd edition pub 2020) and readable review about our observations on black holes their origin and behaviour.


Papers and Presentations



On the dimensionality of space-time     shows that the only stable long lived universes can have either

     1 Three dimensions of space and one of time     

     2  Three dimensions of time and one of space



     A black hole properties calculator a vital tool to help with understanding black holes



How Time Becomes Space Inside a Black Hole | Space Time   Patreon presentation



      On the origins of twistor theory


https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspa.2017.0530   possibly need to look at this more


This is the critical paper that triggered me to publish this work because it produced the critical link


A Quantum Beginning for a Two-Sided Universe with Dr. Neil Turok  Jul 2020

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyJzH6LY8bM    1 06m       interview by John Micheal Godier  event Horizon    patreon


How did it all begin? How did this universe in which we live come to be? The story begins in the early 20th century with Georges LeMaitre who originated the concept that an expanding universe could be extrapolated back to a point. Then came the observations of Edwin Hubble that indicated rather clearly that the universe was indeed expanding. Then there were other discoveries, such as the cosmic microwave background radiation which is literally the afterglow of the big bang.


But there are mysteries still. There comes a point where we can no longer study the big bang directly, a point where everything becomes opaque. This and other questions have led to a number of different models for just how the big bang played out. My guest Neil Turok specializes in the physics of the early universe, and unraveling just what happened. 


The cyclic universe theory was considered by Albert Einstein. A new cyclic universe theory was proposed by Dr. Neil Turok and Paul Steinhardt. What is the antiuniverse? Is there an antiuniverse? 


Neil Turok links: 

Neil Turok: 2008 TED Prize wish: An African Einstein: https://youtu.be/UNbP7O6jasw



     What if the Universe has no end? 



     from Zero to infinity and beyond popular lecture




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Neil Turok Public Lecture: The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1x9lgX8GaE       This is a brilliantly simple introduction to mathematics and physics

On Oct. 7, 2015, Perimeter Institute Director Neil Turok opened the 2015/16 season of the PI Public Lecture Series with a talk about the remarkable simplicity that underlies nature. Turok discussed how this simplicity at the largest and tiniest scales of the universe is pointing toward new avenues of physics research and could lead to revolutionary advances in technology. 


More on Perimeter Institute Public Lectures: http://www.perimeterinstitute.ca/node...






Kerr lectures on black holes




Kerr lecture to a Swedish university

real presentation starts after 4 minutes      2016


Crafoord Laureate 2016: Roy Kerr, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Introduction by Arne Ardeberg, Lund University, Sweden. From: The Crafoord Prize Lectures in Mathematics and Astronomy, 2016-05-24.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KurhWg3X8cU   2018


A historical  review of the concepts of black holes given to a polish university audience



Roger Penrose nobel lecture



Still under construction


Going beyond the limits


Linking into string theory and quantum gravity in more detail using suggestions about the origins of electric fields and the strong force as a natural origin from gravitational processes going on around the Kerr  toroidal surface singularity


These will appear as two dimensional cyclic winding around the central string containing the collapsed opposite polarity universe.   With a bit of thought just about the entire subatomic particle groups can be explained using gravitational force and simple geometry. The interesting thing will be to calculate the details of the orbitals using conventional quantum theory approaches. 


These are currently beyond my skills but they will probably fit one of there known string theories that have already been explored.


The mind map diagram starts to develop these ideas. 










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