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* An Approach to A Complete Theory of Everything

Page history last edited by Ian Kimber 2 years, 1 month ago


An Approach to Complete Theory of Everything



Several physicists over the years have talked about a "Theory Of Everything". (TOE) meaning that we have gained a knowledge of all the of the "laws of physics" in our universe and can understand how they have interacted to produce the sort of universe that we live in.  However this leaves out the critical question "why".  That is, why do these laws exist in the form that they are, and how and why did they get to be the way that they are.  


There are also several books describing how finely balanced these laws are and how our universe would be completely different and far more sterile if they were changed by even a tiny amount.


Answering this question may be impossible and anyone who tries to answer it is sticking their neck out too far. If this is so, anyone is welcome to have a chop at what appears to me to be a good plausible route that has been found to answering this question.  



Before giving you the full story It is a good idea to give a bit of background explanation.


My background as an innovative very broad based scientist and engineer in the Central Research Laboratories of EMI Plc required me to keep up today int a broad range of science and technology  and look towards potential new industries and products with a very open brief we also had to examine the research groups in many go the subsidiary companies in what was a very  complex company.  It was my experience that research groups often become to concentrated on their own products and targets and frequently missed important developments in very different areas.  I currently feel that this may be happening in the separate areas of advanced physics both practical and theoretical.


Over the last thirty years or so from just before to during my retirement, I have been concerned about the fact that as we cannot see beyond the photon sphere and event horizon of a black hole scientist seem to switch off and just not consider theoretically what might be going on.  

all that is said is that here is a continued gravitational collapse towards a "singularity".    


Star formation is a result of gravitational collapse and the adiabatic heating caused by the release of the gravitational energy heads up the star until nucleosynthesis can take place and stabilise there collapse for a time to create a main sequence star.  There is absolutely boo reason why this should not continue inside a black hole.  looking at the effect of this energy release inside the event horizon of a black hole as it collapses towards the theoretical "singularity" point or line and searching for papers that deal with this theoretically accessible process but have never been able to find any.


Please note the word "towards:" not  just "to" we all know something will happen but need to decide what  I would be the first to agree that we will eventually reach the realm of string theory and quantum gravity which both contain a vast number of theoretical models created by the heroic efforts of the mathematical physicists.  However it ia also important to remember that a mathematical model is only as good as the details to which it is designed and most are extreme simplifications when it comes right down to the individual quantum interactions between vast quantities of particles.


Fortunately we have practical observations of the laws of physics as they apply up to very high energies that are vastly higher than the energies involved in the creation of even a stellar mass black hole by the compressive collapse of a neutron star.  In fact the Large Hadron Collider teams claim they are looking at physics as it works right back to the first picoseconds after the origin of the universe sometimes called the instant of the "Big Bang". the period after the first brief but vast inflationary epoch.


Over my period of study I have found several suggestions of what might happen, but no full frontal attempt to create a origin for our universe other than that it was some sort of quantum "event", until recently.


Our models of high energy physics are based on the symmetries found in the equations and the breaking of these symmetries to create the physical laws that we know.  However until 2020 no serious attempt has been made to consider the most glaring symmetry breaking that we are aware of.  This is the fact that we live in a matter dominated universe and when we create matter in experiments we always create in in the form of particle pairs one matter and one antimatter.


Neil Turock of the perimeter institute in Canada in 2020 suggested seriously that we could live in a two part universe where a collapsing antimatter universe drove an expanding matter universe.  This was the final concept that allowed my exploration of black hole collapse to be linked back to the creation of a universe via another seminal part that was informally published by Max Tegmark back in 1995 where in an exploration of the dimensionality of stable universes he found that there were two possible conditions one with three dimensions of space and one of time and another with three dimensions of time and one of space but this would be inhabited by "tachyons" or particles moving faster than the speed of light that is essentially backwards in time.


Now it is accepted that antimatter is exactly the same as ordinary mater but with all the signs of the three critical features reversed. that is Charge, Parity(spin) and Time so this other universe could be a potential antimatter universe.


Finally there is one other important feature of a black hole. That is, beyond the event horizon space has become "timelike" with only unidirectional flow towards the singularity but time has become space like and closed cycles of time are possible.


A Brief Statement of the Whole Concept

The basic concept is that the formation of a black hole on one universe leads to the creation of a new expanding universe in new dimensions of space and time from the energy released from the continued gravitational collapse inside the event horizon.  This concept has been voiced by others many times but not seriously explored.  


It has also been pointed out by Lee Smolin that the properties of our universe seem to be precisely defined to maximise the number of stellar mass black holes that it creates.  This hints at the possibility that this condition may well have arisen as part of a process of the evolution of types of universe.


This paper aims to explore this in general terms illustrate how it can fit well with all the known properties of our universe and makes some testable predictions and potential observations that could support the concept possibly enough to constitute a proof but as a total proof involves things that are unobservable form our universe this is the best that may be achieved.


A stellar mass black hole in our universe formed in our Universe is very precisely defined and is also the most common sort of black hole that is formed in our universe. This to my mind makes it the most tractable and probable one to explore as fully as possible.


The first thing then is to look in detail at the collapse to form a black hole as a result of fallback onto a neutron star formed in a supernova explosion taking the Neutron star above its equivalent of the Chandrasekhar limit the  Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff limit.


The initial collapse in the centre of the star follows the Schwartzchild  metric and develops the Kerr metric as the outer layers with more angular momentum join in the process the process results in a matter antimatter plasma with a vast quantity of energy but the gravitomagnetic gradient and shear creates a separation between the matter and antimatter with the matter continuing to collapse in a matter universe and driving the creation of an antimatter expanding universe and the opposite in a collapsing neutron Star in an attimatter dominated universe.


The structure is then a Kerr ring singularity with two complex collapsed time dimensions in a toroidal surface that separates the matter and antimatter.  This structure creates all the fields required in current quantum theory and results in a amazing simplification of the whole concept of quantum theory this is one of the main attractions of this concept.


Looking at the concept of the Kerr black hole universe








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