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Analysing the Laws of Physics

This version was saved 13 years, 7 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Ian Kimber
on January 24, 2011 at 7:04:06 pm


The laws of physics are the basic laws and rules by which our universe operates.


Firstly I must state that I do not wish to deny any of the painstaking work carried out by many people on gauge theories, symmetries,  Hamiltonians, Lagrangians  or vector and tensor calculus.  This is the detail that has allowed us to analyse and understand to a great deal of precision the world around us but sometimes the detail involved in all this work can hide important underlying relationships and questions.


This work has produced some very important general relationships that go way beyond any of the physical laws that exist in our universe to cover laws that would apply in ANY universe that had a reasonable degree of stability.


The first and most fundamental relationships are those generated by noether's theorem


These are:


The conservation of energy                          required to ensure physical laws are largely invariant with time    

The conservation of momentum                  required to ensure physical laws are largely invariant with location

The conservation of Angular momentum     required to ensure physical laws are largely invariant with direction


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